More NYC food

We have eaten at some incredible restaurants on this trip. Yesterday was Balthazar for breakfast and Bouley for dinner. I had to take a break from all that fine dining and eat lunch today at the Shake Shack.

Shaking At The ShackShake Shack

We have eaten at some incredible restaurants on this trip. Yesterday was Balthazar for breakfast and Bouley for dinner.

I had to take a break from all that fine dining and eat lunch today at the Shake Shack. This is another establishment run by Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality. The burger joint is located in Madison Square Park and was quite popular today with the sunny, 80 degree day we are having in New York City today. I waited in line for 30 minutes to place my order and waited another 15 minutes to get my Shack Burger, Fries, Coke, and Strawberry Custard Shake. It was really good.

Shake Shack Menu

P.S. It was awesome to see Milwaukee-based Usinger's bratwursts (aka Wisconsin Bratwurst) on the menu.