Movies as a replacement for books.

Four Italian consultants, Francesco Bogliari, Sergio Di Giorgi, Marco Lombardi and Piero Trupia, concluded "executives learn little from books. " So they wrote a book* to recommend movies "they say showcase good business practice and highlight major issues. " "High-quality films, though, can offer lessons about problem-solving and teamwork as well as focusing on issues such as globalisation and diversity, Mr Bogliari said.
Four Italian consultants, Francesco Bogliari, Sergio Di Giorgi, Marco Lombardi and Piero Trupia, concluded "executives learn little from books." So they wrote a book* to recommend movies "they say showcase good business practice and highlight major issues." "High-quality films, though, can offer lessons about problem-solving and teamwork as well as focusing on issues such as globalisation and diversity, Mr Bogliari said." Some of the recommendations include:
  1. Stephen Spielberg's The Terminal starring Tom Hanks
  2. Pedro Almodvar's Volver with Penelope Cruz
  3. Moral of both stories: Use diversity to your advantage.
  4. Westerns starring John Wayne
    MOS: Teaches leadership and mission.
  5. Stanley Kubrick's Lolita
    MOS: May help with stock market investing
Check out the full story here. Update: Wall Street Journal's The Informed Reader blog picked up the BBC story and interprets as many of the movie titles as they can. : : : : : *the book is in Italian.