New Excerpt - from Pricing with Confidence

There's a new excerpt up on the Excerpts blog. It's the summary of the book Pricing with Confidence: 10 Ways to Stop Leaving Money on the Table by Reed Holden and Mark Burton. Holden and Burton show you how you can get everyone in your firm to feel 100% confident in your pricing--no matter what customers are saying or how fierce the competition.
There's a new excerpt up on the Excerpts blog. It's the summary of the book Pricing with Confidence: 10 Ways to Stop Leaving Money on the Table by Reed Holden and Mark Burton.
Holden and Burton show you how you can get everyone in your firm to feel 100% confident in your pricing--no matter what customers are saying or how fierce the competition. By following the 10 simple rules outlined in Pricing with Confidence, you will be able to hold steady or even raise prices while your customers experience increased value for every dollar they spend. The result? Increased revenues and profits. Pricing with Confidence is a roadmap for senior leadership in sales, marketing, finance and pricing to work together to outperform competition. Pricing with Confidence is organized into ten simple and practical rules to help senior leaders tackle rampant price discounting, negotiate with poker-player like customers, and protect the value a company works so hard to create.
Read about the authors' ten rules here: