New Year, New KnowledgeBlocks

For the past few months, we've been remodeling KnowledgeBlocks, and we are thrilled to announce that the new site is now live! What you'll see when you visit the new version of KnowledgeBlocks is a trimmer, more focused, and most importantly, free site. As always, our mission is to help you build your business knowledge.
For the past few months, we've been remodeling KnowledgeBlocks, and we are thrilled to announce that the new site is now live!
What you'll see when you visit the new version of KnowledgeBlocks is a trimmer, more focused, and most importantly, free site. As always, our mission is to help you build your business knowledge. Here's how it works!

Daily Blocks: Learn something new every day by signing up for our Daily Block emails. Each morning (or you can choose to receive a weekly digest) we'll send you an email with a quote or excerpt from a new business book, and a short meditation on the idea by the site curator, Sally, to spark or inspire your day's work.

Book Giveaways: Each month we'll post a fresh giveaway of a brand new business title. You will be signed up for a chance to win automatically when you create a KnowledgeBlocks account.

Blocks: Visit our site whenever you need inspiration and comb through the curated and contributed blocks. Inspire others by entering any quotation, short excerpt, link, video, audio clip, etc., you would like to save in the space inviting you to "Share a great idea." Mouse over that space to see easy editing features.

Stacks: You can group blocks together for the purpose of collecting ideas of a similar nature. Simply combine blocks by clicking on the "Stack" button at the bottom of the block.

Forums: Talk with other members about all of the business books and ideas that inspire or intrigue you. Maybe a block inspires you. Maybe a book you read needs to be shared with others. Do it here on the forums.

KnowledgeBOX: Become a premium member for only $80 a year, and receive a quarterly shipment of a new and notable business book, signed by the author, and supplemented by a compendium of links to other digital content as well as a dedicated online forum. New members will also receive a hardcover copy of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time immediately upon sign-up.

January 2013 features the newest works from Seth Godin. Get a bit of Godin wisdom in your Daily Block each morning. Enter to win a copy of V is for Vulnerable. Get the BOX and receive 2 copies of The Icarus Deception: one for you and one for a friend.