Next Up: 800-CEO-READ Book Project

Jack and I have been working on a project for the last few months and we thought it was time to unveil it to the public. We are excited to announce that we are writing a book. The topic will not surprise you--the 100 business titles everyone should read.

Jack and I have been working on a project for the last few months and we thought it was time to unveil it to the public.

We are excited to announce that we are writing a book. The topic will not surprise you--the 100 business titles everyone should read.

800-CEO-READ is an expert in the business book category. Jack has written over 300 reviews of business books since 2001 and, in 2004, we really stepped it up with our Daily Blog. We now feature audio, excerpts, and essays from authors we think have compelling things to say.

We felt it was the time to go back and create the 800-CEO-READ Best-Of-All-Time list. There are so many books that have been published in the last 100 years (and a few before that) which people have probably heard of, but have never taken the time to go read. Our book is meant to be that little nudge.

We are very excited that Portfolio, the business imprint at Penguin, has agreed to publish the book. They have published a variety of authors and titles you are familiar with, Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, and Smartest Guys In The Room to name a few. The book is slated for publication in late 2008 or more likely early 2009.

Since this is a long process, we thought we would document our experiences as we go. We are going to talk about everything having to do with the project: the deal, the writing, what we plan to do when we launch the book, what we plan to do in addition to the book, etc. We will mention some of those things here from time to time, but if you want to follow along with the whole story, check out our blog devoted to the book.