Open Position: Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Representative
We are looking for an individual to join our operations group as a customer service representative.
Your job will be to take care of our customers, managing their orders from the time they are taken until the time the shipment arrives. This will involve obtaining all the pertinent information for the order, placing the purchase order with our suppliers, and tracking the order during shipment.
Some important things to keep in mind:
- The job involves an enormous amount of communication over the phone, through email, and with other members of the office.
- The position requires patience and empathy as you work with expected and unexpected situations constantly that can impact the customers you work with.
- You will be working in an open office with 12 other people. This works for us. It may not work for you.
- We sell and promote books. Liking books will help you like the job.
800-CEO-READ is a division of Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops and specializes in selling business books to corporations, universities, and individuals. The company was started in 1984 and located in Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward. In the last five years, we have experienced double-digit growth each year and tripled the size of the business.
We have a lot of fun things planned. Come join us!
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Salary Range: $30,000 to $35,000 per year
Benefits: Health, Dental, 401K, and profit sharing
Please respond to by sending a resume and cover letter to todd a t 800ceoread d o t com.