Similar to The Idea Book and Creativity Today, we've taken on another title available only through us: Pecha Kucha Night: A Celebration.
Things are a bit different this time around though. While we're excited about this extremely cool book, which shows a pictorial overview of many Pecha Kucha presentations from around the world, we're even more excited that we've become the Milwaukee franchise for Pecha Kucha Night.
Similar to
The Idea Book and
Creativity Today, we've taken on another title available only through us:
Pecha Kucha Night: A Celebration.

Things are a bit different this time around though. While we're excited about this
extremely cool book, which shows a pictorial overview of many Pecha Kucha presentations from around the world, we're even more excited that we've become the Milwaukee franchise for Pecha Kucha Night. If you're in our neighborhood,
stay posted on our upcoming PK events. Regardless,
pick up this book -- a printed view into what happens when ideas, communities, design, business, and individuals come together. Amazing!
"But, hold on," you say. "What the heck IS Pecha Kucha anyway???" Pecha Kucha (which means chit chat in Japanese) started in Tokyo as a way for designers to present their ideas over 20 slides x 20 seconds each slide. The momentum grew, and now PK is held in over 100 cities around the world, featuring presentations from mayors, moms, musicians, mailmen, and many others. Check out the book, come to an event, and as they say,
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