Being placed at the crux of an industry as we are means we're sometimes privy to material you may not see elsewhere. Authors sometimes send us reviews and articles to post, for example, and we were able to post "the lost chapter" of Dan Roam's book on ChangeThis. I've just posted something new from Steve Cone, author of Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History, over on our excerpts blog.

Being placed at the crux of an industry as we are means we're sometimes privy to material you may not see elsewhere. Authors sometimes send us reviews and articles to post,
for example, and we were able to post
"the lost chapter" of Dan Roam's book on ChangeThis. I've just posted something new from Steve Cone, author of
Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History, over on our
excerpts blog. It was finished just after deadline and didn't make it into the book itself, so it's not officially an excerpt, but we thought you'd enjoy it anyway. It doesn't have much to do with business, but oddly enough on Memorial Day weekend, it does have a lot to do with death. More specifically, it is a list of epitaphs and famous last lines. There is even one, from the tomb of the unknown soldier, that fits the purpose of Memorial Day itself.
Unknown U. S. Solder: A reminder that the ultimate sacrifice is the price of enduring freedom.
"Here rests
In honored glory
An American Soldier
Known but to God"
Most of the rest are substantially lighter in spirit.
Here is the link to the post: