What thoughts come to mind when you hear 'Design Strategy? ' On the surface, it implies the shape, color, dimension, and placement of objects, but actually, it defines how emotional connections are managed through business. Sound like a big jump?
What thoughts come to mind when you hear 'Design Strategy?' On the surface, it implies the shape, color, dimension, and placement of objects, but actually, it defines how emotional connections are managed through business. Sound like a big jump?

Predictable Magic: Unleash the Power of Design Strategy to Transform Your Business, authors Deepa Prahalad and Ravi Sawhney discuss "Psycho Aesthetics" - how people emotionally engage in a situation. From products to interaction with a company, users have an experience, and that experience can help the company grow, or contribute to its downfall. On this level, it's clear that design is about much more than how something looks. As the authors explain in researched detail, design can create meaning, engage interactivity, and develop new opportunities. It's a fascinating study on what a company does, how it's managed and lead, and how to do all those things better through design strategy. Read this book and find your golden egg.