Refocus for the New Year
Business author and speaker Jeffrey Gitomer had a great post in his recent newsletter about using books to get out of complacent routines. He says: "Read a book. I've just given away autographed copies of Thinkertoys, by Michael Michalko, to two of my employees who were looking to become more creative.
Business author and speaker Jeffrey Gitomer had a great post in his recent newsletter about using books to get out of complacent routines. He says:"Read a book. I've just given away autographed copies of Thinkertoys, by Michael Michalko, to two of my employees who were looking to become more creative. I believe that whatever your job is there is a book written with insightful information that can help you come to a greater understanding of where you were, where you are, and how to get to where you want to be. BUT you can't just read the book; you must also highlight the book and write down your thoughts about how the principles in the book apply to you and your situation in the margins. Read it, underline it, remark in it, apply it, make it a habit, become more proficient at it, and ultimately master it. Reading will inspire you with new ideas, new approaches, and new challenges."Whether it's Thinkertoys, or perhaps the new Seth Godin book, reading a great business book really can shift your perspective and give you new ideas. And, as we all know, it's the perfect time of year for fresh perspectives.