Running a Business: How Big? How Fast?

We've released a new exploration over on KnowledgeBlocks, titled How Big? How Fast? What is the right size company for you?
We've released a new exploration over on KnowledgeBlocks, titled How Big? How Fast?
What is the right size company for you? How focused on growth should you be? Should you be pursuing growth at all? There is a pressure to "succeed" by becoming big, even before your business or the market is ready, but there is no one-right-size. The answer to "How Big? How Fast?" can't be found anywhere but within each entrepreneur. This exploration, led by a sextet of excellent books about business growth and venture scaling, will teach you how to avoid cookie-cutter advice to become, well, a cookie cutter business, and will help you determine your own definition of business-size success.
This month's featured books are: And using these books as a 'jumping off' point, we'll explore...

A Slice of the Pie When and how to adjust expectations in response to external factors.

The Big Enough Company Your company, the size you need it to be, not the size they tell you it should be.

The Entrepreneur Equation Determine what kind of company you are and if you are prepared to grow to any size.

No Man's Land Mind the gap as you grow between from a small business and a big business.

Build, Borrow, or Buy Multiple pathways of growth prevent blindspots.

Scaling Your Social Venture →When you want to change the world with your social venture, scaled results as you scale up are even more important.

Members also receive access to podcast interviews with Nick Sarillo (A Slice of the Pie) and Paul Bloom (Scaling Your Social Venture), as well as a plethora of curated information about sizing/scaling your business. If you aren't a member yet, check out these KnowledgeBlocks user subscriptions to help build your business knowledge.