When we talk about breakthrough simplicity, we mean an interaction that cuts through the clutter. This is a standard that should be applied to everything a company puts out into the world, from the product to the ads down to the smallest piece of correspondence: It should do its job quickly, clearly, simply. People just don't have the time or the interest to wade through corporate rhetoric and jargon to figure out what you're trying to tell them.
When we talk about breakthrough simplicity, we mean an interaction that cuts through the clutter. This is a standard that should be applied to everything a company puts out into the world, from the product to the ads down to the smallest piece of correspondence: It should do its job quickly, clearly, simply. People just don't have the time or the interest to wade through corporate rhetoric and jargon to figure out what you're trying to tell them. Through clarity of thought and presentation, it's possible for a business to rise above the cacophony of today's marketplace.

Ideally, everything a company puts out there - from its products and services to its website to every letter or invoice sent to customers - should reflect its commitment to considering the customer's point of view. We're all looking for that in our interactions with organizations and companies - the sense that someone there is aware of us as human beings. This can be expressed in the most minor exchanges and in mundane forms of communication. From clear instruction manuals to statements and invoices that are easy to read and understand, there are many ways to signal to customers that you're a company that understands and respects them.It's a fascinating read, clearly written and full of interesting stories and logic. It's as much about communication and design as it is about customer service and marketing. It's a book every business leader should read and adapt. In fact, any member of a team can implement ideas from the book into their respective role, improve their own process, and stand out within their team.