
Jack has always said that we would never close unless the city buses stopped running, and as far as I can remember, this is the first time 800-CEO-READ has been forced to close due to weather. The blizzard last night was everything the weather experts advertised (for once) and there is a Civil Danger Alert for the City of Milwaukee. The schools are closed. The plows are plowing. Most of us can't get out of our yards. Some of us can now reach our cars only after 4 hours of snowblowing and shoveling. We apparently haven't had this much snow since 1979.

Those are the drifts I would have to scale in order to get out of my back gate. I think I'll settle in here at home and read a bit of Harlan Steinbaum's Tough Calls from the Corner Office from Harper Business.

ETA: Dylan braved the wilds and will be in the office for a few hours this afternoon in order to put out any fires.