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I recently spent some time with the Amazon Kindle side-by-side with the Sony Reader. Having never used any type of virtual book device before, it took me a bit to adjust to both (both have slightly awkward hardware characteristics), but once I settled in, some big things became apparent. Kindle is very connected to a large world beyond the text you're reading on the screen.
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As of today, we've got 10 seats remaining for the January 16 Forces for Good event with Leslie Crutchfield. Anyone involved in nonprofit work or simply interested in how to make a better impact in the world needs to attend. Everyone from Barack Obama to Jim Collins is talking about this book, and this event is sure to cause a positive stir in Milwaukee.
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Ask 8cr! is a section of our blog used as a forum to address the kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
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After reading Alex Frankel's new book, Punching In, I was excited to talk to him more about his experiences working for UPS, Enterprise, The Apple Store, Starbucks, and also to hear about the jobs he 'didn't' get. All in all, his experience sheds light on the current American retail system and how it effects both customers and employees. Take a listen.
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Ask 8cr! is a section of our blog used as a forum to address the kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
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