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Some companies send out coffee cups with their name on it. Or pens, or calendars. Other companies give away polo shirts.
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Some people like to read about the new books that are out, some have to order 50 copies for an event, some want to see the best-selling titles on the Inc. /8cr Bestseller list, and others just want to learn more.
So, what brings you here?
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I know, I know - I promised there would not be a long gap for best selling books around the country - but it has been a pretty busy summer! So, I will not prolong the wait. .
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In everything we do, as business people, as employees, as leaders, we are marketing ourselves. We are presenting our ideas, hoping for buy-in. We are presenting ourselves, hoping for acceptance.
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In 1997, Sebastian Junger wrote a great book called The Perfect Storm. The phrase, “a perfect storm” is used when multiple things come together to create an extraordinary experience.
That thought fleeted through my mind last night as I sat reading Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom, because, including Freedom, I’m actually reading three brilliant books in three rather different genres.
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