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Ask 8cr! - Quitting Welcome to "Ask 8cr! " - a new section of our blog where we've created a forum to find out what kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace.
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Publisher's Weekly released this morning their Best of 2007 list. They pulled 150 titles from the 6,000 they reviewed this year and declared the worthiest reads. There is not a single business book on the list, so it's best to enjoy the compilation as a book lover or as a gift guide this holiday season.
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Options>>The Wall Street Journal | The Apple of His iBook Playing on Mr. Jobs's reputation as conceited, quick-tempered and implacable, not to mention his godlike status among techies, Mr. Lyons as Fake Steve posted foul-mouthed first-person rants about Apple's customers, its competitors, and Mr.
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Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert and author of the recently released Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain! , has an intriguing op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today. It deals with the complications of providing one's material on the internet for free.
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Robert Austin's using lessons gleaned from the Medici String Quartet to write a business book; the working title is Reliable Innovation. 'Reliable innovation is "a weird concept," Austin admits. "Reliability in business is about things aimed at consistency of outcome.
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