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McIlhenny's Gold>>The Wall Street Journal | Ingredients of a Family Fortune In "McIlhenny's Gold," Jeffrey Rothfeder, a former BusinessWeek editor, sets himself the ambitious goal of testing the truth of this founding legend and of drawing a historical profile of one of the oldest -- and most profitable -- family businesses in U.
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I had a conversation yesterday with the general manager of our sister company about Web 2. 0 that got me thinking. The conversation actually began as a fascinating look at the world of pens and ink color, but that, like many conversations seem to these days, led us to a discussion of Web 2.
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From Monday's WSJ: Nancy Camarota, a customer-relations executive at Allied Waste Industries Inc. , said she thought it was odd when a Deloitte & Touche USA LLP consultant used an exclamation point in an email. 'Guys do not use exclamation points,' she thought.
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A few weeks ago we had Doug Tatum, author of No Man's Land, in town for an event with area business people. He talked about that difficult transition from a small company to a big company. One message that seemed to resonate with the audience was the idea that to grow in a healthy way, leaders must refresh their "inner circle" of confidants and managers.
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If you haven't heard about Michael Gates Gill, the author of How Starbucks Saved My Life , he's lived a pretty incredible life that was turned completely upside-down. But, he's risen back to the top -- albeit in a much different way than his "old life. " It was a real pleasure to speak with him about the value of serving and respecting others.
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