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Never Eat Alone is a 2005 book written by Keith Ferrazzi. The subtitle "The Ultimate Networker Reveals How To Build a Lifelong Community of Collegues, Contacts, Friends, and Mentors" sums up the book pretty well. We have an excerpt on our site from Chapter 17 - "The Art of Small Talk" and here is a video of Ferrazzi speaking at a Microsoft event.
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I wrote a piece for the July/August issue of Corporate Dealmaker. The magazine did eight pages on business books and their impact on the M&A industry. Here is my contribution where I discuss books that should be on every executive's reading list: And Don't Forget The Classics There are M&A books, and there are business books that should be required reading for every executive.
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On-Ramps, Off-Ramps >> New York Times | Opening the On-Ramp for Women "Why is it," the task force asked, "that after decades of creating opportunities for women and proactively nurturing diversity, companies are still struggling with the challenge of retaining and advancing women?
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The following is a brief excerpt from the book The Last Chance Millionaire by Douglass R. Andrew. The Pitcher of Water Versus the Empty Glass When I give seminars, this is the moment that I introduce the most memorable visual aids I have ever used.
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