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More Sex Is Safer Sex: The Unconventional Wisdom of Economics >> New York Times Book Review | Possible Side Effects
They say they’re better with numbers than most other researchers and have a richer understanding of how people respond to incentives [book link].
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The Obvious >> Financial Times | All you need to know about the perils of management fads. Period.
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The following excerpt is taken from the introduction to Why Johnny Can't Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea by Bill Schley and Carl Nichols, Jr. The authors show that successful branding is not charisma or warfare, or millions spent on entertaining ads starring dancing chimpanzees or cowboys herding cats, but the ability to differentiate a product and give consumers a real reason to pay attention. It's about making the product the star.
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Welcome to a humorous (and often true, if not sadly so) look at projects. The Project Cartoon is based on the original cartoon found below.
At the site, you can create your own project cartoon, print it out, put it up in the cube or project manager's office or buy it framed or plastered on a t-shirt.
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Smart World >> BusinessWeek | The Science Of "Aha! "
"Spinning a wide variety of tales, with characters ranging from Gutenberg, Steve Jobs, and Watson and Crick to the Barbie doll and Pablo Picasso, Ogle arrives at nine laws that 'crack the code of creativity. '"
(tags: businessbooks innovation creativity)
The BusinessWeek Best-Seller List | May 2006
"BusinessWeek's Best-Seller List is based on a survey of chain and independent booksellers that carry a broad selection of books on economics, management, sales and marketing, small business, investing, personal finance, and careers.
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