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Japan's Ministry of Agriculture is seeking to create a create a recommendation program for Japanese restaurants operating outside of Japan; according to The American, that's more than 20,000 restaurants -- 9,000 of which reside in the U. S. The Ministry's goal is to educate the world about Japanese cuisine -- the preparation, the history, and the ingredients.
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From Profit from The Core by Chris Zook: Strategy, Liddell Hart's history of military strategy, examines the successes and failures of military campaigns to take over territory going back to the Peloponnesian Wars. Hart finds that armies that make a frontal assault on an entrenched position lose virtually 100 percent of the time, even with superior forces. He argues that an indirect approach is essential to increasing the odds of victory.
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Again from Profit from The Core by Chris Zook: The discovery of new uninhabited market territory frequently brings invaders from unexpected directions. Consider the following: Kodak's pursuit of the digital camera market encounters unfamilar competitors Hewlett-Packard and Canon. Quaker Oat's attempt to expand Snapple beverages run directly into new drink initiatives of Coca-Cola, with its unassailable distribution infrastructure.
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Mommy Millionaire: How I Turned My Kitchen Table Idea Into A Million Dollars and How You Can Too! by Kim Lavine is one of the best startup books of the year. The problem that Lavine deals with wonderfully is the eternal challenge facing all startup books: how do you breathe new life into material, which, for 90 percent of your audience, is fundamentally a commodity?
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(. PDF) >> BusinessWeek Bestseller List - April 2006 Opens as a PDF. (tags: businessbooks lists) Five Minds for the Future and Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain >> BusinessWeek | Brave New Brain "Instead of quaking in our cubicles, however, we should be figuring out how to remodel our brains into the organs most likely to be valued in the brave new world.
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