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I don't have a book for you today, but a video. From Milwaukee filmmaker Brian Artka, it profiles David Mitchell, the owner of the Mitchell Leather Factory and retail shop on Water Street here in the Third Ward of Milwaukee—just a few blocks away from us. A part of downtown once known for its factories (the building we're in was once a hosiery manufacturer), David is the last representative of the neighborhood's manufacturing culture.
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Regular readers of this blog know that we're very interested (or at least I'm very interested) in how the internet is changing not only how we socialize, shop, and work, but how we think and function as human beings—individually, culturally, and as a society. Going back to 2007 when Andrew Keen's Cult of the Amateur went up against David Weinberger's Everything Is Miscellaneous, and continuing through last year when Nicholas Carr's The Shallows was released around the time of Clay Shirky's Cognitive Surplus, we've been fortunate that publishers have put out books by great thinkers that take opposing sides of the issue that we can compare and contrast. It always sparks a lively conversation.
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Listen to just about any interview with top-flight athletes, and you'll hear them say, regarding the motivation it takes to stay so focused, so intensely committed to their daily training, some version of: "It's not the results; it's the process. " Loving the process gets the figure skater to the cold rink at 5am before she has to get to school by 8am. Loving the process gets the star baseball player through his rehab assignment back down at Triple-A.
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How Habits Work (and How They Change) by Charles Duhigg “Most of the choices we make each day may feel like the products of well-considered decision making, but they’re not. They’re habits. Habits are subtle.
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