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If you were to open up David Kord Murray's Plan B to the Table of Contents and run your finger down the list of chapter inclusions, you'd scan such colorful teasers as these: iTunes as a Can Opener The Fat Man and Little Boy Ten Thousand Empty Stores Ernest Hemingway Beginner's Sex Intriguing, to say the least. And isn't it exciting to open up a new book, a book on strategy and management no less, and actually be curious not only about the information provided but also about how these teasers will be resolved, how the author's apparently quirky point of view will levitate the material? Murray did this same thing in his first book, Borrowing Brilliance too.
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Dylan Schleicher has been working for 800-CEO-READ since 2003. He's done nearly every job, but for the majority of his time here, he's been creating things for us all to learn from and enjoy. Perhaps you've read some of his blog posts here that always include an entertaining and thought-provoking blend of current events and history, pop culture and more esoteric interests, as well as an excellent grasp of the context into which a new business book falls.
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In Tribes, Seth Godin writes, "Leadership is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead. This scarcity makes leadership valuable. In other words, if everyone could do it, they would, and it wouldn’t be worth much.
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Author of Employees First, Customers Second, Vineet Nayar, recently wrote a couple of blog posts included on the HBR Blog Network that started a bit of a dust-up in comments. First, at the beginning of the month, he asked the question: "Are Women Dissatisfied Enough? " and went on to assert two "pre-conditions" were needed--in addition to an enabling corporate environment--to improve the successes of women in business.
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We're excited to announce an updated and expanded paperback version of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time available 11/1/11 from Portfolio. More content--expanded reviews of the Takeaway chapter books (including Thinkertoys, The First 90 Days, Beyond the Core, and The Lexus and the Olive Tree); new sidebars (including decision-making, visual thinking, and 1982, the watershed year for business books); and a new introduction and closing manifesto--means more for you to learn and enjoy. The perfect book for you to put on your Christmas list and read to inspire you for the new year!
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