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Joy Stauber runs Stauber Design Studio in Chicago, IL, and not only is she a great friend of the company, she is also a terrific designer who has helped us identify, articulate, and express our brand. If you've enjoyed any of our marketing pieces over the years, know that Joy has partnered with us to create the most eye-catching and consistent of messages. Watch the video below, created by Joy's intern, Lizzie Callen, which captures the best of our brand.
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Six Simple Rules: How to Manage Complexity Without Getting Complicated by Yves Morieux and Peter Tollman is one of those books that comes into your life at the exact time you need it. And you'll know immediately whether you need it now or not. And if you do?
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From the practical to the radical, we've got two outstanding books for your quarterly KnowledgeBOX shipment. These books will ship the week of the 21st, so if you haven't signed up for our kBOX deliveries, sign up today! Your kBOX feature book is: The media coach and Emmy Award-winning correspondent Bill McGowan shares his secrets of pitch-perfect communications, showing readers how to communicate with confidence.
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Here is the first thing that popped into my head when I first glimpsed a copy of this book: I need to give this to my husband! Because his reaction to feedback is usually defensive. And that's what we always think, right?
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