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I am fascinated by Chris Anderson's The Long Tail. These power law curves exist in so many facets of the world. We pulled data yesterday on our linking behavior to books on our site and.
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There is a weird error coming up when you try to post a comment right now and leaves you unable to save the comment. We are working on it and I'll post something when we get it fixed. Update: They are working perfectly now.
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You'll probably see these two wandering around here and changing our world for the better. I thought we should properly introduce them. Meet Dylan Dylan has been here for nearly five years and recently moved over to our marketing side.
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I finally got around to posting some pictures from our May event with Nikos Mourkogiannis, author of Purpose. You'll also find a few new pictures from around the office and from our trip to New York City for BEA. Here's a link to our Flickr page: http://www.
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