The 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards, Leadership

If you're reading this, you probably have a strong commitment to, and defined goals in, your business life. But, if you can't generate commitment in others you'll likely fall short. And that's why John Jantsch'S The Commitment Engine: Making Work Worth It, published by Portfolio, earned the top spot in the Leadership category this year.

If you're reading this, you probably have a strong commitment to, and defined goals in, your business life. But, if you can't generate commitment in others you'll likely fall short. And that's why John Jantsch'S The Commitment Engine: Making Work Worth It, published by Portfolio, earned the top spot in the Leadership category this year.

"The chaos we think we feel is actually a laughing, singing, dancing, and remarkable order of its own. If we can only find
a way to embrace this, the businesses we build would be the kind that feed the heart and soul of everyone who comes into
contact with them. This is real-life strategy, this is joyful culture,
this is a committed customer, and this is the essence
of a business that's truly alive."

The Commitment Engine, page x

Small business guru John Jantsch knows the importance of personal commitment, but from owning his own business and studying others, he knows that it's just as important to generate commitment to your business, to your ideas and values, your story, your products and services, in others—particularly in your employees and customers, but also in the businesses you partner with. If you can set a clear purpose and build a business around it that generates commitment in others, then you can let go of the controls and watch as your business seemingly runs itself. View our Leadership shortlist to see the runners-up in the category.