The Dragonfly Effect

What do we post on social media sites? Should we only announce marketing related info, or get more personal? Should we have individual accounts, or ones with our company names?
What do we post on social media sites? Should we only announce marketing related info, or get more personal? Should we have individual accounts, or ones with our company names? Or both? It can all get complicated very quickly, and before you hastily start throwing info out to the world, it's best that you think about a strategy for this stuff. Especially if you plan to write more than what kind of bagel you had for breakfast. Jennifer Aaker, Andy Smith, and Carlye Adler come to the rescue with The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways to Use Social Media to Drive Social Change. Using the metaphor of a dragonfly's four wings (which allow it to travel in any direction when they're each moving), the book offers concise steps for developing a communication strategy via social media. From the introduction: "The heart of this book draws on studies on behavior change and the stories of individuals determined to make a difference. You'll gain insight from the founders of eBay's World of Good; storytellers from Pixar; leaders from Facebook, Twitter, and Google; as well as from social entrepreneurs, social media experts, and founders of nonprofit organizations - all of whom use the tools of social media to deliver positive change." And that's a key point - positive change. Fundamentally, a good message sent to the world is one that offers positive change. This book guides you on how to craft and deliver such a message with successful results. A great read for anyone (and marketing teams) on how to use online tools to their best effect.