The Elite Eight: Our Picks for the Top Business Books of 2012

In anticipation of announcing the winner of the 2012 800-CEO-READ Business Book of the Year tomorrow, here's a recap of the category winners. Click on the links below to read more about these top books of 2012. Which book is *your* pick for the top book of the year?
~General Business: PRIVATE EMPIRE | Steve Coll ~Leadership: THE COMMITMENT ENGINE | John Jansch ~Management: THE ADVANTAGE | Pat Lencioni ~Innovation & Creativity: THE ICARUS DECEPTION | Seth Godin ~Small Business & Entrepreneurship: THE $100 STARTUP | Chris Guillibeau ~Sales & Marketing: TO SELL IS HUMAN | Dan Pink ~Personal Development: SO GOOD THEY CAN'T IGNORE YOU | Cal Newport ~Finance & Economics: FINANCE & THE GOOD SOCIETY | Robert Shiller