The Happiness Choice

Everybody's busy. We're all juggling multiple demands from people and forces around us. But as we know (and may have forgotten), sometimes we need to focus on ourselves.
Everybody's busy. We're all juggling multiple demands from people and forces around us. But as we know (and may have forgotten), sometimes we need to focus on ourselves. Marilyn Tam's new book, The Happiness Choice: The 5 Decisions that will take you from where you are to where you want to be is the perfect reminder to refocus, and work toward the ideal life each of us want. If that sounds incredibly simple, in fact, it is. As Tam points out, happiness is a choice, a decision to put our goals and fulfillment first, instead of always working toward helping others achieve theirs. To start, Tam suggests, define your life's purpose and find your balance:
When I speak about balance I mean dynamic balance. At different times in our lives, our priorities vary. Life is active and constantly changing, as do our needs at different stages. It is unrealistic and almost impossible, as well as unnecessary, to allocate the same amount of energy and resources to every aspect of your life. Each person has individual wants and needs that ebb and flow over time. Therefore, balance is dynamic...What doesn't change is your life mission, which is your constant guide and the north point of your personal compass. Use your life purpose as the criteria to assess your quality of life at various times in your life.
Throughout the book, Tam references a variety of other people's journeys to find their balance. Money, time-management, relationships, and physical and emotional health are all examined for how to achieve the best results, making this a complex book, yet at a mere 161 pages, is easily read. Perhaps you're swamped and can't be bothered with such thoughts now. You'll get to it when things lighten up. As Tam states throughout the book, you might not ever have the chance, because that decision is an attitude that won't change. Unless, of course, you change it. Consider this, if you've had the time and focus to read the entirety of this post, maybe now is the time to make your happiness choice.