The Longlist for the 2012 FT/Goldman Sachs Business Book Award

Andrew Hill's article yesterday in The Financial Times announcing the longlist for the 2012 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award was entitled A reading list to reflect loss of faith in capitalism. That headline is more than a little hyperbolic. The statement in the article itself that the list "includes an array of titles charting the strengths and weaknesses of the American corporate, economic and financial system" is a bit more accurate, especially if you replace the word "American" with "global.
Andrew Hill's article yesterday in The Financial Times announcing the longlist for the 2012 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award was entitled A reading list to reflect loss of faith in capitalism. That headline is more than a little hyperbolic. The statement in the article itself that the list "includes an array of titles charting the strengths and weaknesses of the American corporate, economic and financial system" is a bit more accurate, especially if you replace the word "American" with "global." All that said, the list of books they've put together is really, really good.
We're so immersed in the flood of books that arrives here every day, noses down, plugging away on various ideas and projects to help spread those books and the ideas that they contain, that I sometimes forget to look up to take stock of the larger trends and bigger picture in publishing (that will certainly come later when we begin looking at the submissions for our own awards). Looking at this list yesterday afternoon made me realize just how solid this year has been so far, and that for as much as we read here I still have a lot more to do.

And so it's back to the grindstone.