The Lorax

Major collaboration to help save trees between Random House Publishers, Dr. Seuss and Conservation International: Dr. Seuss' Lorax's Plea: Stop Cutting Trees!
Major collaboration to help save trees between Random House Publishers, Dr. Seuss and Conservation International:

Dr. Seuss' Lorax's Plea: Stop Cutting Trees! By Daniel Horgan, Special for USA TODAY

As the world's rain forests disappear, one of Dr. Seuss' most powerful and controversial characters has been summoned back into action to issue a post-millennium warning. The Lorax, the story of a furry-cheeked little creature who fights to save the environment from the greedy Once-ler, has been a perennial favorite of kids and parents since it was published in 1971. Now, Dr. Seuss Enterprises is teaming with Conservation International and Random House to use The Lorax to help save the forests. The book is being reprinted with a special environmental message that describes "The Lorax Project," which is being launched today in honor of Earth Day. Ten percent to 15% of profits from the book and from Earth-friendly consumer products featuring the Lorax's image will be used to stop deforestation in Madagascar, Brazil and China. Read the rest HERE!

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