To a billion dollar business

David's Blueprint to a Billion is still getting quite a bit of coverage after being out for over a year. Here are a few links you may have missed: An interview on ABC News (link on the right side of the page). Billion dollar companies have exponential financial growth (example: Google that went from 15 million to one billion in a mere four years) and follow seven unique managerial practices.
David's Blueprint to a Billion is still getting quite a bit of coverage after being out for over a year. Here are a few links you may have missed:
  1. An interview on ABC News (link on the right side of the page).
  2. Billion dollar companies have exponential financial growth (example: Google that went from 15 million to one billion in a mere four years) and follow seven unique managerial practices.
  3. An article published on the Street where he introduces the seven unique practices. David explains that "[w]hile Blueprint Companies represent 5% of the American companies that went public since 1980, the big surprise is their disproportionate impact: They account for 56% of employment in 2005 and 64% of market value created."
  4. And an article over at