You have always known ChangeThis for our free manifestos. Today, we are happy to announce the release of Tough Love: Scripting the Drive, Drama and Decline of Galaxy Coffee by the incomparable John Moore—our first foray into offering full-length books for download.
We feel fortunate to have been able to team up with John Moore on this project, as talented a writer and fresh a thinker as there is in business today, and the only author ever to send me clips of Melle Mel & the furious Five doing "Beat Street" live.

You have always known
ChangeThis for our free manifestos. Today, we are happy to announce the release of
Tough Love: Scripting the Drive, Drama and Decline of Galaxy Coffee by the incomparable John Moore—our first foray into offering full-length books for download.
We feel fortunate to have been able to team up with John Moore on this project, as talented a writer and fresh a thinker as there is in business today, and the only author ever to send me clips of Melle Mel & the furious Five doing "Beat Street" live. We're truly honored that he chose ChangeThis as his vehicle of distribution, and would like to thank him publicly here for his patience with us as we learned how to do it.
As you'll see, the piece of work he provided is truly unique. It is a screenplay, telling the story of a Seattle coffee shop that has changed the world of coffee, but allowed its growth to change the culture that made the company so special to its customers and employees in the first place. By following the drama of the company's leaders and long-time employees as they struggle, in tough economic times, to right the ship, you'll learn valuable business lessons.
If you appreciate the free content on the site, we think you'll love our first offer for sale. Head on over to
the store and get your copy today.