Tuesday in Miwaukee: Pecha Kucha Night #2

This coming Tuesday, August 26th we're hosting round #2 of Pecha Kucha Night in Milwaukee. What is Pecha Kucha, you ask? Well, here's Jon's description.
This coming Tuesday, August 26th we're hosting round #2 of Pecha Kucha Night in Milwaukee. What is Pecha Kucha, you ask? Well, here's Jon's description. If you're not in Milwaukee, there's a high chance that a Pecha Kucha Night is being hosted near you. It's presently in 136 cities around the world. Check it out. I guarantee you'll learn something, meet new folks and enjoy yourself. And if you're in Milwaukee, do join us on Tuesday. Here's why the night will be worth it. You can grab tickets online. Bring friends. Our friendly local independent radio station, 91.7 WMSE, has been helping us get the word out. You might recognize the theme to which they set the PK promo (mp3) (promo written by former inBubbleGuy). Their station manager, Tom Crawford, presented in the first round. More PK presentations shown here.