Two New Fables Break-up Summer Bestsellers Club
After a summer of same-old, same-old on the Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller List, two new books appear this week signaling the start to the fall business book season.
Given some of my comments recently, it serves me right that I have to report both titles are business fables. Pat Lencioni returns with his sixth story-based book, titled The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and Their Employees). The second book, Dream Manager, is from previously published, but new business books Matthew Kelly.
We have had these two books featured, along with Juggling Elephants, on the front page for a couple of weeks, which makes us seem like we can foresee the future (hold the email, we do not have any such ability).
Jack reviewed Dream Manager this month and our new writer Jon gave a nice summary of Three Signs if you are interested in following the crowd to these new books.