Want to go on a Shelfari?

This morning we received an email from Noah Fleming (self-described as a "linchpin in training"--which we love), letting us know that he had started a Shelfari for the books in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. Noah's goal is to read all 100 books by December 31, 2010, and by creating a group on Shelfari, he is encourages others to take up the same challenge. Shelfari is "the premier social network for people who love books" where you can create a virtual bookshelf to feature the books you are reading and create reading groups to discuss those books. We thought Noah's idea was just fantastic and can't wait to hear how it goes, what discussions are ignited. If you are interested in joining Noah on his Shelfari of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time, go here to take the challenge.