We Now Offer Bulk eBooks
We're excited to announce the addition of bulk eBooks to the list of services we offer.
While browsing 800ceoread.com in the past few months, you may have noticed that a number of product pages listed an "eBook" option. We've been working out the kinks and bugs, but we are excited to now announce that in addition to being masters of physical bulk orders and book customization needs, we now offer a solution for eBooks in bulk.
Knowing full well that we didn't have the bandwidth to build an eBook option from scratch, we decided to partner with Page Foundry, a group of smart, talented developers that worked hard to create the product we were envisioning, one with you in mind. What does "with you in mind" mean, though?
Whether you're a company wanting to get an eBook in the hands of your 500 employees or an author gifting 1000 conference attendees, we can handle it, and we can do it in a variety of customized ways. We've been working with business book authors and publishers, company wellness and learning programs, speaker's bureaus and event promoters for 30 years. So when we say "with you in mind", we have three decades of relationships with you, and those three decades informed how we built out our new bulk eBook delivery services.
For the nuts and bolts of how to order, distribute, and read eBooks in bulk, visit our eBook services page. We're pretty excited to add eBooks to the long list of ways in which we work with all of you. We hope it works for you, and if it does, we'll talk to you soon.
If you have any questions about bulk eBooks, feel free to email ebooks@800ceoread.com or call Michael at (414) 220-4445.