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Modern organizations are plagued with performative work and confusing policy, much of it the result of poor management and a lack of clear communication. At a time when so much attention is being given to how AI will affect our work, we found four books that focus on what humans can do to build better workplaces.
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Attention is the world’s most valuable resource, and learning how to earn it—how to seize and hold someone’s attention in your writing, while speaking in public, or in the brief moment an ad is in front of them, and how to offer it back when talking in person with others—is critical for every conversation and every company. These five books can help.
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The greatest challenges we face today offer some of our greatest opportunities for growth. We just need the civic imagination and collective will to seize them, to build new things and embrace new approaches. The best Current Events & Public Affairs books of 2024 all addressed that need in some way. 
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