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"We may have been Keynesians once, but times change. We are all Freakonomists now.
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Andrew Keen (Cult of The Amateur) and David Weinberger (Everything Is Miscellaneous) have been debating the merits of Web 2. 0. Andrew thinks the Internet is unravelling popular culture and will lead to terrible ends.
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BusinessWeek has an article about the logistics of delivering 12,000,000 books in two days. To quote "If all the trucks that delivered Deathly Hallows were lined up bumper-to-bumper, Scholastic says, the caravan would stretch 15 miles. "
Fascinating stuff!
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Rocketeers >> BusinessWeek | Space: The Private Frontier
"Belfiore's book provides a worthwhile overview for readers who want to learn more about these characters and the space-tourism market they are promoting. "
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The BusinessWeek Best-Seller List - June 2007
June 2007 Bestsellers
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SLIDESHOW - BusinessWeek Bestsellers - June 2007
Opens slideshow of bestsellers.
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The New York Times reported this morning that "Rupert Murdoch finally won his long-coveted prize today, tentatively gaining enough support from the deeply divided Bancroft family to buy Dow Jones & Company, publisher of The Wall Street Journal". This has huge implications.
From the Times.
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