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(. PDF) >> BusinessWeek Bestseller List - April 2006 Opens as a PDF. (tags: businessbooks lists) Five Minds for the Future and Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain >> BusinessWeek | Brave New Brain "Instead of quaking in our cubicles, however, we should be figuring out how to remodel our brains into the organs most likely to be valued in the brave new world.
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Annie Marie Knott, visiting professor at Washington University, provided the recommended reading in yesterday's Wall Street Journal. The special section was on small business and Knott believes in reading entrepreneurial biographies. She says, "certain biographies can not only help readers get a sense of which business theories work, but also help them develop their own theories about how to find success.
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In Michael Lewis' brilliant book Moneyball, he tells the story of Billy Beane the GM from the Oakland Athletics. Beane is asked to present to Major League Baseball the reason his organization has been so successful with no little money spent on big name, quality baseball players. His first PowerPoint slide said.
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Earlier today, a delivery man brought us this: Upon a closer examination, we found it was from an author: Inside was something edible. To my knowledge, it's our first ever front-cover-cake. So Jack had to try it out.
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