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Enter to win a copy of The Passion Conversation by the folks at Brains on Fire over on KnowledgeBlocks! The contest is open until October 15th.
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The Financial Times has announced the shortlist for their annual business book award, co-sponsored with Goldman Sachs. The have narrowed the field to six:
The Alchemists: Thee Central Bankers and a World On Fire by Neil Irwin, The Penguin Press
Making it Happen: Fred Goodwin, RBS and the Men Who Blew Up the British Economy by Iain Martin, Simon and Schuster (not yet released in the U. S.
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Success In 5 Easy Lessons by G. Richard Shell
“When everyone around you agrees on what success means, it is all too easy to blindly accept their ideas about what to do next. .
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We are giving away 20 copies of Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success by G. Richard Shell over on KnowledgeBlocks. Just enter for your chance to win.
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The 2013 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards are now open for submissions.
Thousands of business books are published each year, each with the potential to promote change and enlighten the way people think about business. We began recognizing these efforts in 2007 with the 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards, highlighting the best works in a number of categories.
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