Blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other publishing platforms are giving everyone a voice, including organizations and their customers. To be successful, businesses must speak directly with their customers or prospects through a comprehensive strategy that allows them to reach new customers at every stage of the buying cycle. They must find their voice and create bold and compelling content that people want to consume and which speaks to their needs or wants or desires.
Yeah, yeah... so you know all that. But how can you create bold stories, videos, and blog posts that cultivate fans, arouse passion for your products or services, and ignite your business? The second edition of Content Rules is a how-to book of both the art and science of developing marketing content that people care about interwoven with case studies of companies that are successfully spreading their ideas online--and using them to establish credibility and build a loyal customer base.
Business owners and marketers who read this book will learn:
- The art of storytelling and the science of journalism
- What it means to be a publisher and why what you publish is the cornerstone of your marketing
- How to find an authentic voice and craft bold content that will resonate with prospects and buyers and encourage them to share it with others
- How to leverage social media and social tools to get your content and ideas distributed as widely as possible