Wall-distance Measurement for Indoor Mobile Robots.- Automating Cognitive Modelling Considering Non-Formalisable Semantics.- Using a Humanoid Robot to Assist Post-Stroke Patients with Standardised Neurorehabilitation Therapy.- Human Resource Information System in Healthcare Organizations.- Performance Prediction of Scalable Multi-Agent Systems using Parallel Theatre.- Dynamics of Epidemic Computer Subnetwork Models for Scan-based Worm Propagation: An Internet Protocol Addressing Configuration Perspective.- Security Analysis of Integrated Clinical Environment Using Attack Graph.- Smart University: Key factors for a cloud computing adoption model.- Agile governance supported by the frugal smart city.- Effect of Normal, Calcium Chloride Integral and Polyethene Sheet Membrane curing on the strength characteristics of Glass Fiber and Normal concrete.- Problems with health information systems in Ecuador, and the need to educate university students in health informatics in times of pandemic.- Utilizing Technological Pedagogical Content (TPC) for Designing Public Service Websites.- А Multidimensional Rendering of Error Types in Sensor Data.- Optimization of the Overlap Shortest-Path Routing for TSCH Networks.- Application of Emerging Technologies in Aviation MRO Sector to Optimize Cost, Utilization: The Indian Case.- User Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Application for safety training in Railway Level Crossing.- GreenMile - Gamification-Supported Mobile and Multimodal Route Planning for a Sustainable Choice of Transport.- A Detailed Study for Bankruptcy Prediction by Machine Learning Technique.- Cyberbullying in Online/E-Learning Platforms Based on Social Networks.- Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Technique for Urbanization Change Detection in Tangail District.- Enabling a Question-Answering System for COVID Using a Hybrid Approach based on Wikipedia and Q/A Pairs.- A Study of Purchase Behavior of Ornamental Gold Consumption.- Circularly Polarized Micro-strip Patch Antenna for 5G Applications.- An approach towards protecting Tribal lands through ICT Interventions.- Urban Sprawl Assessment Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Ernakulam District.- Exploring the means and benefits of including Blockchain smart contracts to a smart manufacturing environment: Water bottling plant case study.- Extreme gradient boosting for predicting stock price direction in context of Indian equity markets.- Performance of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic and its Impact: A Review.- A Novel Approach of Deduplication on Indian Demographic Variation for Large Structured Data.- Dual-message Compression with Variable Null Symbol Incorporation on Constrained Optimization based Multipath and Multihop Routing in WSN.- Spatio-temporal variances of Covid-19 active cases and genomic sequence data in India.- Significance of Thermoelectric Cooler approach of Atmospheric Water Generator for solving fresh water scarcity.- Fabrication of Energy Potent Data Center using Energy Efficiency Metrics.- Performance Anomaly and Change Point Detection for Large-Scale System Management.- Artificial Intelligence Driven Monitoring, Prediction and Recommendation System (AIM-PRISM).- Financial Forecasting of Stock Market usingSentiment Analysis and Data Analytics.- A Survey on Learning-Based Gait Recognition for Human Authentication in Smart Cities.- Micro-Arterial Flow Simulation for Fluid Dynamics: A Review.- Hip-Hop Culture incites Criminal Behavior: A Deep Learning Study.- Complex Contourlet Transform Domain Based Image Compression.- HWYL: An Edutainment Based Mobile Phone Game Designed to Raise Awareness on Environmental Management.- IoT & AI based Advance LPG System (ALS).- ICT Enabled Automatic Vehicle Theft Detection System at Toll Plaza.- RBJ20 Cryptography Algorithm for Securing Big Data Communication using Wireless Networks.- Decision Tree for Uncertain Numerical Data Using Bagging and Boosting.- A Comparative Study on Various Sha