Nonprofit managers have been slow to embrace the digital age.Although technology has transformed the face of the for-profitsector and how it operates, nonprofit use of technology to improveinternal functioning and to change the way services are deliveredis almost nonexistent. These limitations actually have opened thedoor for for-profits to "compete" successfully for traditionalnonprofit business, such as moving people from welfare towork. is both a call to action and a roadmap forchange. Each chapter defines an element of Dynamic Management andidentifies "digital hotspots" or places within that element, andthe nonprofit's implementation of that element, where digitalissues will most likely arise and need to be addressed. Inaddition, at the end of each chapter, Maxims of Dynamic Managementor core truths that the authors have found helpful to follow intheir day-to-day experience as nonprofit leaders in bringingDynamic Management to their organization are provided. Finally, theauthors highlight the experience of various nonprofit andfor-profit organizations that have successfully made elements ofDynamic Management a reality in their organizations.
Publish date | November 22, 2001 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Format | Hardcover |
Pages | 304 |
ISBN | 9780471395270
0471395277 |