"A great read that accelerates the pace and goes one up on its excellent predecessor . . . Exciting, action-packed fantasy." -- Mark Lawrence Defy the darkness. Defend the light. Drem and his friends are haunted by the horrors they witnessed at the battle at Starstone Lake: the screams of men being warped into beasts and the sight of a demon rising from the dead. But worse than any memory is Fritha, the demons' deadly high priestess. And she is hunting them. Concealed in Forn Forest, Riv knows her very existence is a threat to the Ben-Elim. She represents their most dangerous secret, and if the warrior angels find her, they won't hesitate to silence her. As the demonic forces multiply, they send a mighty host to overthrow the angel's stronghold. Like heroes of old, Drem, Riv, and the Bright Star's warriors must battle to save themselves and save their land. But can the light triumph when the dark is rising? For more from John Gwynne, check out: Of Blood and BoneA Time of DreadA Time of BloodA Time of Courage
The Faithful and the FallenMaliceValorRuinWrath
The Faithful and the FallenMaliceValorRuinWrath
Publish date | April 16, 2019 |
Publisher | Orbit |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 512 |
ISBN | 9780316502276
0316502278 |