Covers all major domains in the US CFP Exam. Fully updated for 2019 to cover new Federal Tax Law - Supercharge your studies for success on exam day with Wiley's CFP Exam Review Study Guide. Whatever stage you are at in your learning, this study guide will be the cornerstone to your preparation. Based on years of teaching experience, our CFP experts have developed a highly effective and proven study aid that provides an organized review of all major domains contained in the current CFP curriculum and definitions for the key terms. With over 1,000 pages of distilled knowledge, combined with practical study tips, test-taking advice and plenty of detailed examples highlighted by a clear color coding feature, you'll find it easy to grasp the fundamentals and get ready to pass the CFP exam first time.
Publish date | October 16, 2018 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 500 |
ISBN | 9781119545217
1119545218 |