About Bryan Cooke
Author Bryan Cooke has been in the art services business for more than 50 years and is an expert in the fields of art logistics, packing and sculpture rigging. He has moved the entire collections of many museums, including the JP Getty Museum and the Huntington Art Museum. He has packed and shipped paintings that set world record auction prices and handled many priceless masterpieces - ranging from Rembrandts to Gainsborough's Iconic Blue Boy. He served for 9 years on the International Convention of Fine Art Transporters Board. He also founded ARCS, the Association of Registrars & Collections Specialists and was a cofounder of PACCIN, the Packing and Collections Care Information Network. Bryan's book is a fascinating behind-the-scenes eye witness view of 50 years of art market growth - from quiet beginnings in the early 1970's to the present multi-billion-dollar explosion of Galleries, Museums, Art Fairs and Auction Houses. Above all, his book is an exploration of art ethics and a love of the creative spirit.