Author Interviews
One of the best things about working at Porchlight is the opportunity to form relationships with the authors who write the books we sell and ask them about their work. Doing that in an interview extends the relationship, connecting authors with new readers, and readers with new authors.
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Madeleine Trebenski
By Madeleine Trebenski, Gabbi Cisneros
Madeleine Trebenski's new book of essays is full of insight and humor. And so is my recent Q & A with her.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Abi Ishola-Ayodeji
By Abi Ishola-Ayodeji, Emily Porter
In our interview, Abi Ishola-Ayodeji opens up about her debut novel, touching on how she incorporated her own experiences, and those of her friend's, throughout the story bringing this book to life.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Ada Limón in Conversation with Sally Haldorson
By Ada Limón
We invite our reading community to come along as we take a deeper look at The Hurting Kind and learn more about author Ada Limón through this live-streamed interview.
Categories: interviews, managing-directors-cut, boswell-book-company
Blog / Interviews
Chloé Cooper Jones in Conversation with Sally Haldorson
By Chloé Cooper Jones
We invite our reading community to come along as we take a deeper look at Easy Beauty: A Memoir and learn more about author Chloé Cooper Jones through this live-streamed interview.
Categories: interviews, managing-directors-cut, boswell-book-company
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with David Gelles, author of The Man Who Broke Capitalism
By Dylan Schleicher, David Gelles
In his new book, David Gelles explains how Jack Welch upended GE and ushered in a new era of shareholder capitalism that has come to define the American economy—and how a movement is arising to move us beyond it. He recently took the time answer some of our questions about it all.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Upcoming Interview: Ada Limón
By Sally Haldorson
Our next live-streamed author interview is with Ada Limón on June 1, 2022 at 6:00pm CST.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Susan Cain in Conversation with Sally Haldorson
By Porchlight
We invite our reading community to come along as we take a deeper look at Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole and learn more about author Susan Cain through this live-streamed interview.
Categories: interviews, managing-directors-cut, boswell-book-company
Blog / Interviews
Lillian Faderman in Conversation with Sally Haldorson
By Porchlight
We invite our reading community to come along as we take a deeper look at Woman: The American History of an Idea and learn more about author Lillian Faderman through this live-streamed interview.
Categories: interviews, managing-directors-cut, boswell-book-company
Blog / Interviews
Upcoming Interview: Chloé Cooper Jones
By Chloé Cooper Jones, Sally Haldorson
Our next live-streamed author interview is with Chloé Cooper Jones on May 16, 2022 at 6:30pm CST.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Katherine May in Conversation with Sally Haldorson
By Porchlight
We invite our reading community to come along as we take a deeper look at The Electricity of Every Living Thing and learn more about author Katherine May through this live-streamed interview.
Categories: interviews, managing-directors-cut, boswell-book-company