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Blog / ChangeThis
The New Leadership Paradigm—Everyone, Every time, No Exception!
By Lior Arussy
"Organizations and leaders are facing today the convergence of three mega trends that are reshaping their value proposition, their customer relationships, and their talent engagement. Alone, each of these mega trends is a significant challenge to face. Together they present either an existential threat to the business or an evolutionary opportunity. And, by and large, most leaders are neither ready nor equipped to address these changes."
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Earth Shakers: The Art and Craft of the Global Change Agent
By Dean Williams
"Earth shakers figuratively shake the ground on which we work and live. They stir people to action to address tough problems. They mobilize people to fix what is flawed or broken. They generate movements to tackle complex issues. They transform teams, organizations, communities, and nations. They help us to think differently about the world, and to take actions to make it a better place. The earth shaker is a global change agent. They may operate at the local level or on the international stage but they appreciate how global forces and dynamics affect local forces and dynamics, and vice-versa. Given the interdependent nature of complex problems, they know they must cross borders and boundaries to get anything significant accomplished, as problems cannot be resolved in isolation. We need earth shakers because globalization presents a whole new set of challenges for which traditional forms of leadership cannot resolve. Globalization generates forces and dynamics that produce unintended and unexpected consequences—surprises—some that are delightful and some that are threatening and outright scary.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
By BJ Gallagher
"The penguins were in trouble and they knew it. For many years they had ruled the Land of Penguins with unquestioned authority. They had built a great enterprise that grew and thrived in the Sea of Organizations. Penguins were seen as models of success, and for a long time their world was orderly, predictable, and safe. But there came a time when things began to change In the Land of Penguins..."
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Connect and Thrive: Create a Connection Culture to Win at Work (and Life)
By Michael Lee Stallard
"Human connection is a superpower. It helps individuals and organizations thrive. [...] Most people don't recognize connection as a superpower—yet—and therefore miss out on connection's benefits. In your defense, you may be living and working in cultures that have conditioned you so that you don't see, feel or experience connection as much as you ought to in order to live your most productive, enjoyable and life. If connection isn't obvious to you, this manifesto will be an eye-opening wake-up call."
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
The Simplicity Cycle Manifesto
By Dan Ward
"We started with nothing. Now we have something. The receptacle is no longer empty. This makes all the difference. Through carelessness, inattention, or miscalculation, we may inadvertently overfill it to the detriment of the whole. Additions once led to improvement. Beyond a certain point, that is no longer the case. Additions begin to make things worse. When our additions get out of control, the plot becomes jumbled, the colors muddied, the flavors discordant or overpowering. The new pieces do not simply add less than the previous pieces—they actually diminish the value of the whole."
Categories: changethis
Blog / New Releases
The Simplicity Cycle
By Porchlight
Dan Ward provides readers with a roadmap for designing new products, services, and business models, and shows them how to avoid overcomplexity in the process.
Categories: new-releases
Blog / Excerpts
Happywork by Chris Reimer
By Porchlight
A business parable about the journey to teamwork, profit, and purpose from award-winning new media strategist.
Categories: excerpts
Blog / Book Giveaways
The Simplicity Cycle
By Porchlight
Dan Ward's Simplicity Cycle will act as your road map to the design process, whatever it is you have to design.
Categories: giveaways
Blog / Jack Covert Selects
When to Rob a Bank ... and 131 More Warped Suggestions and Well-Intended Rants
By Porchlight
The Freakonomics phenomenon has brought a lot of lay readers to economic topics, particularly through its popular blog, the best of which is now a book!
Categories: jack-covert-selects
Blog / Excerpts
The Sell by Fredrik Eklund
By Porchlight
New York City's top real estate seller on why partnership is critical to his success.
Categories: excerpts