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The Microstress Effect is a great read for anyone, but especially for the person who wants to understand where their mental energy is going and how best to rebuild and protect it.
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The grief that comes with climate change is real. But despair is as unhelpful as denial, so we have to hold on to hope, and get to work. A new collection of essays will help.
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Phosphorus is a bringer of both life and death, but the balance has been tilted toward the destruction and environmental degradation of many places across the world over the years. Dan Egan explores the history of human activity in securing and using this vital element, and how we can begin to tilt the balance back toward the productive and life-giving qualities of phosphorus that all life on Earth relies upon.
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The capitalist component of our democratic-capitalist system is corroding the democratic component. Raymond W. Baker explains how this has happened, why it is a problem, and offers some ways to restore balance between the two.
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Some of the most creative work comes out of the most difficult circumstances. This reality is borne out in Kaelen Wilson-Goldie's new book about the work artists are creating in the midst of violent conflicts around the world.
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