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The following review was written by our owner, Carol Grossmeyer, and first appeared in our monthly newsletter, the KeenThinker.
It’s been a long time since a book has come across my desk that made me instantly stop in my tracks, so I was thrilled when The Female Vision: Women’s Real Power at Work did just that. I was captured first by the arresting cover, a closeup photo of a woman’s eyes and then intrigued by the simple but powerful title, The Female Vision.
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Inder Sidhu's Doing Both was number one on the Inc. /800-CEO-READ Business Book Bestseller List in July.
Jon recently sent him three questions he asks of all our best-selling authors, and I really enjoyed his answers:
What's the most influential book you've read?
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Niall Ferguson writes big books about really big topics—The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World and The Cash Nexus: Economics and Politics from the Age of Warfare Through the Age of Welfare, 1700-2000, just to name a few.
At first blush, his latest book, High Financier, seems different. It focuses on "The Lives and Time" of just one man, Siegmund Warburg.
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Seth Godin is a revolutionary—in the best sense of that word. Consider his message at the beginning of Insubordinate—his new(ish) addendum to Linchpin.
The opportunities to make change are bigger and more attractive than ever before.
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Sitting in the midst of summer, food is generally a hot topic as cooking becomes more of a regular occasion (grilling out, picnics, etc. ). Two books landed on my desk that admittedly made my mouth water, while imagining the business implications likely addressed within.
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